December is a time for change

Welcome To A Helping Hand Counseling Center

"Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go,but don't forget to enjoy the journey."~ Michael Josephson

We are dedicated to helping individuals and families achieve wellness by living healthier lives. Our work is driven by our commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention for all, early identification and intervention for those at risk, integrated health, behavioral health and other services for those who need them, and recovery as a goal.

December is the last push before the New Year. I don't know about you, but it just feels like December is the pressure that builds up behind the cork and January is when the bubbles fizz out after the cork pops. There's this bottleneck effect in December because we're all just tired and ready for a new year; to start over; to have a fresh start.
Therefore, December is a time for change.It is a time to sit a reflect on the past year.What did I like?What did I not like?What can I do differently during the next year?

So, to help kick the New Year off with a bang,consider this healthy approach when self-reflecting:

Focus on the positiveWhat happened that you are grateful for?What was your biggest achievement?What remains important to you throughout the years?

Find a new perspectiveWhat didn't go as planned?What lessons did you learn?What valuable connections did you make?

Practice healthy distractionPour any negative energy into a productive hobby, skill, activity, etc.Get some fresh airWrite down any regrets, disappointments, etc. and throw them away,burn them, bury them... literally and figuratively let go of the negative

Identify your triggersPractice mindfulness (to be aware, on purpose, in the present, without judging).What is causing you to dwell on the negatives rather than focus on the positives?

A Helping Hand Counseling Center exists to significantly improve the mental health and well-being of all members of the community through counseling, education, support and advocacy.

Our Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM
Sat: By appointments only
Sun: By appointments only
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